
Too Many Games and MAGFest 2017

Over the past year the Video Game Development Club has gotten the chance to present as an Indie developer at both Too Many Games 2016 and MAGFest 2017. At Too Many Games 2016, they showed off: Light Fight (Evan Schoenberger), Spectrum Shooter (Zach Thompson), Click Game (Nathaniel Manning), and a Platformer (Trevor Kelly).

Gamd Dev 1           Game Dev 2
(From Left to Right: Zach, Nathaniel, Evan, and Trevor)

During the 3 day event Dr. Girard also threw together a simple game while preparing for a course. Students also got to meet with alumni and get interviewed while at Too Many Games.

Game Dev 3 Game Dev 4

For MAGFest 2017 the club had to submit for approval any games to be shown for approval by the MIVS committee. Based on the feedback from Too Many Games the club decided to submit Spectrum Shooter. Zach Thompson, with the help of Chris Boyer and Abe Loscher set about rebuilding the game to improve stability and add in such things as sound and music.

To get the game accepted they created a short video to show off the game, see MagFest Entry, and after that made it through the first iteration, a demo that could be played for at least 15 minutes. Once accepted the group planned out the look of the booth and we were all set. In keeping with the theme of Spectrum Shooter being a game where you change the color of the shots the club went with mulit-colored Christmas lights to finish off the look of the booth.

GD5      GD6
A total of 10 people went down to MAGFest 2017, three of which were the core development team for Spectrum Shooter: Zach Thompson, Abe Loscher, and Chris Boyer.

From Left to Right (Front): Chris Boyer, Zach Thompson, Emmanuel Douge, and Ben Weist
From Left to Right (Back): Luke Frankenfield, Abe Loscher, Nathaniel Manning, Evan Schoenberger, and Liz Ostrow. Not Pictured: Dr. Girard
The club is already planning for Too Many Games 2017 and what game(s) they will try and submit for MAGFest 2018 (Light Fight is one already being planned).