Too Many Games and MAGFest 2017

Over the past year the Video Game Development Club has gotten the chance to present as an Indie developer at both Too Many Games 2016 and MAGFest 2017. At Too Many Games 2016, they showed off: Light Fight (Evan Schoenberger), Spectrum Shooter (Zach Thompson), Click Game (Nathaniel Manning), and a Platformer (Trevor Kelly).            (From Left to Right: Zach, Nathaniel, Evan, and Trevor) During the 3 day event Dr. Girard also threw together a simple game while preparing for a course. Students also got to meet with alumni and get interviewed while at Too Many Games. For MAGFest 2017 the club had to submit for approval any games to be shown for approval by the MIVS committee. Based on the feedback from Too Many Games the club decided to submit Spectrum Shooter. Zach Thompson, with the help of Chris Boyer and Abe Loscher set about rebuilding the game to … Continued

News from the Engineering Lab

RIGOL Technologies recently launched a new education initiative, featuring the o-scope manuals that were developed here at Shippensburg.  “Dr Tom Briggs from Shippensburg University has created two Labratory Guides using the RIGOL DS1000Z and our demonstration board to teach Oscilloscope skills.   We are thankful for his partnership and excited to be able to offer this curriculum to our DS1Z customers.” – Mike Rizzo, general manager for RIGOL USA.  They also featured a quote from Dr. Briggs in a press release on the Evaluation Engineering blog.

New Swag Available!

We have just opened a Cafe Press site where you can find cool stuff with the logos for each CSE major: The profits will go to support the many cool things we have going on, so start your holiday shopping now!

Freescale Cup is Off to a Start!

  Joss Steward and Jared Good are shown working on the Freescale Cup car for their crew NullPointer.  The car is programmable with a simple camera to help it determine how to navigate a race track.  In October they and their other crew members will be competing against the other two crews, Out of Bounds and Off by One, to see which car can navigate a race track in the shortest time.  The first track will be a simple straight track, while later competition tracks will include curves, hills, and intersections.      

Too Many Games 2015

The Video Game Development Club ( went to Too Many Games 2015 on June 26th – 28th. It was the forth time the club had gone as an Indie developer. Attending as active members of the club were: Ledny Joesph, Zach Thompson, Gabby Rocha, Chris Hersh, and Martino Dang with their club advisor Dr. Girard. Alumni present were Nick Hydock (just graduated), David Jones (just graduated), Andy Hoffman, Dane Howard, William Fisher, Matt Hydock, and Red Herring. This year Nick Hydock showed off his much improved game, Story Mode, a rouge-like game where the dungeons are created by selecting specific files on your computer. What sort of dungeon you explore is determined from the type and size of the file. Over the past year he has improved the game by adding different terrain types for the dungeons, bosses to battle, new things to do with the items you gather, and … Continued


PACISE 2015 Dr. Girard, Dr. Briggs, Dr. Mooney and 9 Shippensburg University students attended the 2015 PACISE conference on April 10th and 11th. Dr. Girard along with Ledny Jones and Ian Keefer presented posters on their work from the Video Game Development club. Dr. Girard’s poster was titled “A Procedural Content Generation System for Roads and Cities”, Ledny Jones’ poster was titled “Larry Awesome Platformer Game”, and Ian Keefer’s poster was titled “Entity Component Systems in Game Development”. Additionally, Tyler Dalious present a poster on work related to a research grant he is working on with Dr. Briggs, Tyler Garrett, Chris Jeffrey, and Josh Lowe. His poster was titled “Water Quality Sensor”. The key note speaker was Jesse Schell who talked about “Careers in Game Development: Past, Present, and Future”. He was the lead designer of Toon Town and presently runs the game company Schell Games ( Dr. Briggs, Nicholas … Continued

CSGames 2015 in Canada

While most students were enjoying a laid back Spring Break, a group of CSE students headed to snowy Canada for the CSGames competition. The event was held at Sherbrooke University in Sherbrooke, Quebec on March 14th & 15th. This was the third year that Shippensburg has been represented in the Games. For future reference, this event is open to any interested CSE undergrad student!

40th Anniversary of the Computer Science major!

Computer Science memorabilia will be on display. Cake and refreshments will be available. Where: Fishbowl in Dauphin Humanities Center When: Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 Time: 5PM – 8PM  

Electrical Engineering program approved!

The Board of Governors approved the first Electrical Engineering degree program to be offered in Pennsylvania’s State System. Beginning in Fall 2015, Shippensburg University will be offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. Check out the University’s press release.