User Accounts Explained

As a student enrolled in a class in the School of Engineering, there are three separate accounts which will apply to things you will use: (AA9999 should be replaced with your user id, which is the portion of your email address which precedes the @ symbol)
  1. SHIP.EDU account ( This is your main user account provided by the University. It is used to access resources available to ALL students on campus. These include: D2L, Banner, Email, Zoom, Microsoft Office and access to computer labs OUTSIDE of the School of Engineering.
  2. ENGR Domain Account: ( This is the account which would be used to use the computers in the School of Engineering labs. This is also used to access resources such as the servers Sloop and Clipper. You will have received an email with a link to a personalized welcome page prior to the start of your course or your first semester declared in one of the School of Engineering programs. You will rarely need to use the full domain when accessing resources, meaning you will rarely use the At this time, MFA is not required when using this account.
  3. ENGR Gmail Account: ( This is a sponsored GMail account which uses our domain as part of the email address. Older accounts would be CS.SHIP.EDU instead of the current ENGR.SHIP.EDU. Specific information pertaining to this account can be found at FAQ #3-6 on the Frequently Asked Questions page found at: . As of the Fall of 2022, MFA is required to utilize this resource.   

Please understand, each of these accounts is a separate, unique account and changing the password on one has no impact on the others. You will be allowed to keep your AD account as long as you are actively enrolled in a School of Engineering program or course. If you change your major, or finish an SoE Gen Ed course, both accounts will be disabled. When you graduate,your AD account will be disabled, but your Google account will remain active. Due to recent Google program changes, we only allow you to keep your sponsored Gmail account if you graduate with a School of Engineering degree and as long as you are actively using it. Users who drop out or who graduate with a non-SoE degree will no longer be allowed to keep their account. In addition, the School of Engineering does reserve the right to close any sponsored Gmail accounts at any time.

All usage of School of Engineering resources must be in compliance with all School of Engineering policies and the University’s usage policies as outlined in the Swataney. Access to the resources provided by the School of Engineering is a privilege which can be revoked. Inappropriate use, depending on its severity, may result in any of the following: loss of privileges, suspension, expulsion, and/or criminal charges.

If you are having an issue understanding the differences listed above, please contact your professor for additional assistance!

NOTE: In order to support certain classes, you may be provided with additional server specific accounts. For example, you will be provided an account to access a development server if you take the web programming course. You will also be provided a database server account when you take either of the database courses or any number of the software engineering courses. These credentials will be provided to you by your professor.
The most common is access to the School of Engineering Gitlab server. This is a server that requires you to self-register using your sponsored GMail account (#3 above). This puts you in control of your own login credentials, allows you to easily add classmates to projects and lets you maintain your access after graduation.